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TCC Library, Explore. Discover. Succeed.

TCC Library Mission & Policy



Library records should be maintained, protected, preserved, retained and disposed of in accordance with the operational needs, government regulations, and fiscal and legal requirements under which the Library operates.

Types of Records Covered

Types of Records Covered

The following types of records are covered under the Records Management policy:

  • OK‐Share Forms
  • Guest User Logs
  • ESL Student Information Forms
  • Device and Materials User Agreement Forms
  • Interlibrary Loan Forms – lending and borrowing
  • Book Hold Receipts
  • Blind Book Date Forms

General Retention Periods for Library Records

General Retention Periods for Library Records

Records should be retained in accordance with state and federal regulations. General guidelines are as follows:

Type of Record Retention Period
OK‐Share Forms Retain in office until superseded or obsolete, then follow destruction of records process
ESL Student Information Forms Retain in office until superseded or obsolete, then follow destruction of records process.
Guest User Logs Retain in office for one year, then follow destruction of records process.
Device & Materials User Agreement Form Retain in office until superseded or obsolete, then follow destruction of records process.
InterLibrary Loan (TIPASA) Forms – Loaned Retain in office until return of items and clearing of paperwork, then follow destruction of records process.
InterLibrary Loan (TIPASA) Forms –
Retain in office three (3) years, then destroy with approval from ODL.
Book Hold Receipts Retain in office until superseded or obsolete, then follow destruction of records process.
Other: Blind Book Date Forms Retain in office until superseded or obsolete, then follow destruction of records process.


Destruction of Records Process

Destruction of Records Process

Records should be destroyed immediately upon fulfillment of the retention period. The Records Management Librarian must submit a destruction form for destruction approval. All documents that can be destroyed after they are superseded or obsolete do not require a destruction form. Documents must be placed in a secure, cross‐cut shred bin.

General Information on Library Records

General Information on Library Records

The Library is the only area of the College that uses TIPASA, and special consideration was given to the information that is stored in that system. The decision has been made to consider the patron and item information in TIPASA as the official interlibrary loan transaction record for the Library. This decision is made in part due to information put forth when following the guidelines that CONTU (Commission on New Technological Uses) requires:

“Records in any form are sufficient. The CONTU Interlibrary Loan Guidelines simply say that the borrowing library must retain records for three calendar years. Certainly the intent of the Guidelines is that the library be able to search the records by title in order to determine when the library has reached its "suggestion of five" for that journal title for the calendar year. The Guidelines, however, are silent as to the format in which records must be retained; thus any format is permissible.”

“Bookstraps” and other printed paperwork used for interlibrary loans are considered convenience or reference copies. The Records Management Librarian will handle the destruction of these forms at the end of each semester. Additionally, any report that has been printed from COGNOS or WMS can be considered a convenience copy and disposed of without approval.

Storage of Library Records

Storage of Library Records

Many of the records used in the Library contain sensitive or personal information. As such, all records containing personal, identifiable information or College proprietary information must be secured every evening. Records should be stored in an office, cabinet, or other area behind a locking mechanism. Questions or concerns should be directed to the Records Management Librarian or the Dean of Libraries and Knowledge Management.

  Metro Campus Library: 918.595.7172 | Northeast Campus Library: 918.595.7501 | Southeast Campus Library: 918.595.7701 | West Campus Library: 918.595.8010

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