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TCC Library Mission & Policy



The Library website is a curated collection of links and content on a variety of subjects.  The information includes, but is not limited to, a cloud‐based library management application managed by the Library, online databases, discovery products, and links to other selected resources. 

Library Website Responsibility

Library Website Responsibility

The Librarians are responsible for creating the content and links to other websites based on the selection criteria for electronic resources outlined in the Library guidelines. Changes to the website content and links may be made by Librarians as appropriate under direction of library management.

Website Access

Website Access

The Library website accommodates a broad range of computer capacities and serves patrons of varying abilities. However, access to some Library web resources may be restricted to Library patrons due to the limitations of license agreements.

Website Collection Criteria

Website Collection Criteria

Government, non‐profit, and commercial websites free from excessive marketing may be included based on recommendations from Librarians who determine the sites’ informational and/or educational value. Included websites must meet the following criteria:
(1) The site's owner or sponsor is easily identifiable, and contact information is provided.
(2) The site does not charge for access.
(3) The site meets the evaluative measures of currency, relevancy, authority, accuracy, and purpose.

Accuracy and Content of Website Information

Accuracy and Content of Website Information

Every effort should be made to ensure that the Library’s information is accurate and up‐to‐date. The Website and E‐Resources Team should continually review the website content for accuracy as part of a regular maintenance routine. Since website content may change or disappear entirely without notice, the Library cannot be held responsible for the content or accuracy of websites not maintained by the Library. While every effort should be made to keep links current, website visitors should inform Library staff of any non‐functional links or links that are inconsistent with the above stated criteria.



Only information necessary to measure the number and timing of visitors to different areas of the Library website to help make these sites more useful should be stored. Only the following information should be collected:
(1) The address (IP) of the visitor's computer or Internet provider.
(2) The date and time the visitor accesses various web pages.
(3) The name, email address, postal address, telephone number, and Campus Wide Identification Number (CWID) of a visitor to the Library website, only if the information is needed to allow access to a subscription service, to complete a request submitted via the website, or to assess library services

  Metro Campus Library: 918.595.7172 | Northeast Campus Library: 918.595.7501 | Southeast Campus Library: 918.595.7701 | West Campus Library: 918.595.8010

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